Fix Toilet Hard to Flush

After years of using, the toilet is getting harder to flush even the water level is not low. If such a case, most probably is the siphon unit problem where …

Pos Laju EziBox

Pos Malaysia has been promoting its new Pos Laju EziBox service, which enables customers to pick up their parcels free of charge at 24/7 parcel lockers. The service is primarily …


我的 2009 Proton Saga BLM SE MT,陪伴了我八年又四个月,走了很长的路,今天终于退役了。 原因一: 跑了这么多,很多零件开始坏了,已经两次吊车经验了。刚换了两条轮胎,Claimed 了大镜。轮胎,电箱,牙箱,底盘全部够钟跟换了。与其不停的维修,不如换个新的拍档,继续跑,起码前面那几年有维修保养。 原因二: 旧车比较吃油,Full tank town 才跑 300km+/-,highway 跑 340km+/-,constant 90km/h 跑 360km+/-。油价上多跌少,一个月起码 RM500-600 快打油钱。 原因三: 二手车价越来越底,找了几见车行,trade in RM6k 罢了。。。 皇天不负有心人,终于找到二手车商,trade in …