The ordinary ogre is the creature for whom the phrase ‘As dumb as a bag of rock hammers’ was coined. In his natural state, an ogre is supremely incapable of doing or deciding anything. Clothed in dirt, he sometimes finds himself accidentally draped in animal skins after eating lanekill. Not an especially social creature, he is most often found affectionately consorting with the boulders or tree-stumps he has mistaken for kin (a factor that may explain the ogre’s low rate of reproduction). However, once every generation or so, the ogre race is blessed with the birth of a two-headed Ogre Magi, who is immediately given the traditional name of Aggron Stonebreak, the name of the first and perhaps only wise ogre in their line’s history. With two heads, Ogre Magi finds it possible to function at a level most other creatures manage with one. And while the Ogre Magi will win no debates (even with itself), it is graced with a divine quality known as Dumb Luck—a propensity for serendipitous strokes of fortune which have allowed the ogre race to flourish in spite of enemies, harsh weather, and an inability to feed itself. It’s as if the Goddess of Luck, filled with pity for the sadly inept species, has taken Ogre Magi under her wing. And who could blame her? Poor things.
1. Fireblast – Blasts an enemy unit with a wave of fire, dealing damage and stunning the target.
2. Ignite – Drenches the target and another random unit in volatile chemicals, causing it to burst into flames. The target is in immense pain, taking damage and moving more slowly.
3. Bloodlust – Incites a frenzy in a friendly unit, increasing its movement speed and attack speed. Gives bonus attack speed if cast on Ogre himself. Can be cast on towers.
4. Unrefined Fireblast – Blasts an enemy unit with a wave of fire, dealing damage and stunning the target. Its mana cost is 35% of the hero’s current mana. *Requires Aghanim’s Scepter to be unlocked.
5. Fire Shield – Creates a shield around the target ally, absorbing a percentage of the damage of next 3 attacks from enemy heroes. When damage is absorbed, a fireball is launched at the attacker. *Requires Aghanim’s Shard to be unlocked.
6. Multicast – Enables Ogre Magi to cast his abilities and items multiple times with each use.