Dota 2 – Shadow Fiend

Capturing Souls from every kill he makes, Shadow Fiend is always gathering his power. Armor fails within the Presence of the Dark Lord, leaving foes no choice but to scramble. Every assault, …

Dota 2 – Legion Commander

They came without warning. Within the city walls of Stonehall there came a rumble and a terrible sound, and from blackness unknown came a force of beasts numbering beyond count, …

Dota 2 – Ogre Magi

The ordinary ogre is the creature for whom the phrase ‘As dumb as a bag of rock hammers’ was coined. In his natural state, an ogre is supremely incapable of …

Dota 2 – Zeus

Lord of Heaven, father of gods, Zeus treats all the Heroes as if they are his rambunctious, rebellious children. After being caught unnumbered times in the midst of trysts with …

Dota 2 – Outworld Destroyer

One of a lordly and magisterial race, Harbinger prowls the edge of the Void, sole surviving sentry of an outpost on the world at the rim of the abyss. From …

Dota 2 – Bloodseeker

Strygwyr the Bloodseeker is a ritually sanctioned hunter, Hound of the Flayed Twins, sent down from the mist-shrouded peaks of Xhacatocatl in search of blood. The Flayed Ones require oceanic …

Dota 2 – Viper

Viper, the Netherdrake, is a ranged agility hero who functions as an excellent nuker, ganker and carry due to his assortment of low-cooldown spells and debilitating attacks. His modus operandi …